Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mayan's Doomsday Prophecy ...... Friday, Dec 21, 2012

Its been a week of break for me to pen down ..... Was running short on a piece ..... But interestingly came across Mayans calendar predicting 2012 apocalypse !!!

People are easily charmed and lead but I also think part of this 2012 appeal is the mystery......... We find it interesting that a culture was able to create a very accurate calendar that for some reason ends on a date most of us will live to see......

It's like Y2K, many were curious and talked about the date being 'end of times' but how many actually took steps to prepare for disaster ?? ........ There's a line between active discussion and active belief - people enjoy reading about these sorts of things, doesn't mean they deep down believe it to be true...........We enjoy our fiction, we enjoy a bit of danger - that's the bulk of it ..........

Then again I could be completely wrong. After all I’m only human ............