Monday, June 22, 2009

Read My Mind !!!

What is a vice for me today may be virtue tomorrow...... This is mostly due to my affinity towards being contemplative and explanatory by nature ........ My principles of jauntiness mean more to me than any money or deeds .........

There is always the strong likelihood that I will tend to take a chance in something in the near future ......... I want to display the wonderful traits of charm and chivalry ........ At times my happiness is intertwined with my outlook on life ......... Why not ?

I can't say that I never hesitate to tackle the most difficult problems but rest assured that generosity and paragon are my everlasting goals ...........

I firmly trust that a well directed imagination is the source of great deeds and I also hope that when winter comes heaven will rain success ........ A long lasting wait .........
My mind is here not there .......... Discover me as you read my mind !!!


Dhanya said...

Hmm... all the best in whatever your are intending to do!

I am taking a wild (really wild) guess here.... are you out to impress ur gal's parents ? hehehe

Soupy said...

Nice write-up... Guess, I still have a lot to discover & I am game for it... :).

Raj-aka-Gunpowder said...

Well, I think this goes for you and the other special person :) - Discovering & Re-discovering will be the very essence of your lives...... All The Very Best.......

muthu said...


thoughtful bro...


Seema said...

Sir , Do the Do ..

Rahul Viswanath said...

@Dhanya - Trendy Guess ;-)

Anonymous said...

Good ONE!

FYI..Jiddu's Quote

Mind is universal, not polluted by thought. You only have your brain, which is conditioned. You can't say "It's my mind" ...

It's thought's

What lies beyond thought when thought is silent is attention. Attention is without activity of thought ...Undirected attention of the mind contacts the brain as long as the brain is silent. Attention can only "be" when self is "not."

- Vijay

Rahul said...

cool and philosophical at the same time :D

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Every moment is one of discovery and introspection!

Solilo said...

What's the Konphooooooshaan?

Anonymous said...

I have read it :)

Bindu Nayar said...

mr.mysterious..."discovering oneself is very positive and essential " i am confused...

Zlaek said...

Philosophy....ah. I'm hoping it's all going to turn out good.

And then put it in a 4 line post... like you always do :D

Dr Riya said...

hey.. thoughtful post.. i must say imagination is the key.. i liked the line " Well directed imagination is the sorce of grt deeds.."