Friday, October 9, 2009

Where Is My Nobel ???

The Nobel committee gets politically correct just after we in the US are amazed by the good talker zero doer .... Can we have those democratic primaries again ???

Suddenly I enjoy a detailed campaigner !!!
Isn't this a little premature ??? I thought the "Nobel Prize" were here to recognize tangible achievements ...

This is an extreme version of Obama worship !!!
I am sure he is shocked as well ..... Thank god it was not awarded to Bush last year ..... Phewwwwwww !!!

I am sure Alfred Nobel is rolling in his grave .......
Gandhi must be resting in peace !!!


Seema said...

Back with a Bang ! Good to see you blog :)

Dhanya said...

Like you mentioned, thank god it wasn't given to Bush last year ;) :D

Vinay said...

What has Obama done to get a peace prize? Stopped war!, Stopped Pak from promoting devastation in other countries than handle their own business!....What???

The world would respect the Noble Committee more if they make an exception and award Gandhi the Peace prize. I hope the committee has not gotten into earning TRP and brownies!!!

Anonymous said...

Its 2016 Nobel Prize!!!


Solilo said...

You get your Nobel for MIA. :)))

Welcome back!

Luscious Sealed Lips said...

It is an absolute WTF event!


Soup... said...

I am expecting one myself next year... :)

Pranav Kumar V said...

I even framed a lame joke about it...

'if Obama can get the Nobel *Peace*, then I should get the *Whole*!!' :P

Its ok if it doesn't make sense. Its nothing that really should be!! ;)

See you when I see you... :D

ekta khetan said...

Indeed Obama is so noble for not bombing Iran and North Korea…Noble to help poor Pakistan to create terrorism in India, fuelling American ammunition industry… Such a Noble deed and idea to bring up American economy back to meat.

Anonymous said...

Only you could write a post like this :) Missed your writings boy..

Anonymous said...

I personally think the nobel committee actually done a great thing...
initially they were asking ME to get the prize....
I thought Obama was a better option..

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Honestly, I think its fair that Obama has received the Nobel Prize

AJEYA RAO said...

Welcome Back Rahul

muthu said...

Welcome back....

& yeah...

like you have said thank god it want given to bush....

But then , I think this is just more than worship-

Its sheer silliness..

Arun said...

Jab at Gandhi wasnt needed! Its embarassing to compare Obama with Gandhi for one...and stating them as equals is even worse.

Enjoyed ur blog otherwise!