It is the time when we ring out the old year and welcome the new year with open arms, with eyes filled with new dreams and hearts teeming with
new expectations .....
With another year approaching soon, it's time again to gear up for New Year hoopla !!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
HNY 2011 ..........
Sunday, November 7, 2010
India's Decade

What does germinating India mean to you ? The answers will unravel over the next decade ....
A living exemplar of improved governance in Bihar & economic development in Gujarat ......Anyone complaining ??
There are many areas to be brushed upon including education , climate changes , infrastructure , health , security , political system , energy etc .....
But not to forget the most tormented questions on agriculture ...
Which has always been disdained being our backbone employment of 51% ....
It lays in the hands of the dreaming young minds to remove any bumps for the decade & beyond !! It's the time we see a better living & better life for all in resilient India ....
A system reboot is in progress ..... embody it !!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Welcome Obamaaaaaaa !!!

I remember Mr. Kissinger saying that whether India likes it or not, US always had a slant towards Pakistan for some reason or the other ... Sooner the better is for us to digest !!
I hope our beloved PM Singh does not get this deal on UNSC seat at the cost of something knotty .... Also hope these US agricultural giants are not given a free pass in India which they have been trying since ages .....
I do not expect any substantial gain for India from Obama's visit but other way round US may get some large defense contracts to keep their businesses going....?
His own economic policy have made no good impact on the US economy ... So want to assay down here ?? Always welcomed .... Mr. Singh will guide you ....
Meanwhile TCS … Infosys … Wipro … Please stand up …. Please stand up ...
Mr. President .... “run with the hare and hunt with the hounds”.....
Enjoy your stay ........ Hope you write me wrong :) ..... I still have faith in you ..... I badly want to see the change you promised .....
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Back After A Long Break ..........

Offlate one person who has motivated me to be on track is Arundathi Roy ....
Been watching her videos on Democracy Now hosted by Amy Goodman .....
Love her take on "Kashmir should get Azadi from bhookhe-nange Hindustan " .....
Promoting secession ?? Walk your way through Roy ......
Thursday, November 26, 2009
26/11 ....... Answered ???

Well capital punishment is not the ultimate elucidation ..... Its not only about capturing and killing terrorists ..... Its also about preventing terrorism on a larger spectrum !!
I have given up on this affair ..... I think our beloved PM and his delegation have all the time to fly down here for a state dinner , while our states are dining the fear of terrorism every day back home ...........
Nevertheless he is the ripened turkey for this thanksgiving ............. Salute you Mr Singh ...... You truly are our King !!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Lamp Of Knowledge ........

4 Hands
8 Eyes
9 Liters of blood
222 Bones
4.5 Million red blood cells
60 Trillion DNA's
I wish you all a very " Happy Diwali " .........
Life is a flame that is always burning itself out .... Play Safe !!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Where Is My Nobel ???

Suddenly I enjoy a detailed campaigner !!! Isn't this a little premature ??? I thought the "Nobel Prize" were here to recognize tangible achievements ...
This is an extreme version of Obama worship !!! I am sure he is shocked as well ..... Thank god it was not awarded to Bush last year ..... Phewwwwwww !!!
I am sure Alfred Nobel is rolling in his grave .......
Gandhi must be resting in peace !!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Vacation : Destiny ...........

Let me germinate my new frame of life .... As we all must have known by now .... Every man has his own destiny , the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him ....
Till then shower your covet ..... See you when I See ......
Till then shower your covet ..... See you when I See ......
Grazie e Stammi bene !!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
" RIP " ....... 1958 - 2009 !!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Read My Mind !!!
There is always the strong likelihood that I will tend to take a chance in something in the near future ......... I want to display the wonderful traits of charm and chivalry ........ At times my happiness is intertwined with my outlook on life ......... Why not ?
I can't say that I never hesitate to tackle the most difficult problems but rest assured that generosity and paragon are my everlasting goals ...........
I firmly trust that a well directed imagination is the source of great deeds and I also hope that when winter comes heaven will rain success ........ A long lasting wait ......... My mind is here not there .......... Discover me as you read my mind !!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Shady Ahuja ???

Does not sound right and maybe he was framed .....
Or the devil in him had a roll !! Now we are committing the same crime by raping these statements .......
We need to wait and watch the movie which is on .............
Are you in the bill my brother ?? Please stand up .........
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Crystal Gazing T20 World Cup ..............

Group A - India and Bangladesh
Group B - Pakistan and England
Group C - Srilanka and Australia
Group D - SA and NZ
Super Eight :
Group E - A1, B2, C1, D2 ; Group F - A2, B1, C2, D1
Group E - India, England, Srilanka, New Zealand
Group F - Bangladesh, Pakistan, Australia, South Africa
My heart and mind says India will make it to the finals ...............
Not sure if we can have our hands on the cup !!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Susan Boyle Has Got Talent ..................

Susan Boyle returned with the song that made her famous ..... "I Dreamed a Dream" from "Les Misérables" soaring through the song with a rendition that had the crowd standing on its feet before she was halfway done ..........
Her dream did not go too far before Brits voted her 2nd on the show (Britain's Got Talent) ......... Boylemania has just begun ...... Boyleness is sweeping the world ......... You are our queen of the world ...............
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hugs On Demand !!!

It’s a great excitability to hug someone close or maybe even our rivals at times ......
Trust me those open arms will make way for a better day to live in ........ I am here to send a virtual hug to you all ........
So hug me back my dear ones ......... Coz I know you all deserve lots of hugs ..... Open your arms and open your hearts ......... May I prescribe it ???
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
GIN - Great Indian Novel ..................
The fact that he was considered for the position of the UN Secretary General is enough to establish his political credentials.......Becoming a minister of state in his very first outing in the Lok Sabha is an icing in the cake for Tharoor ........
This book is one of the very best I have read in recent times.... The book marries Indian mythology with the freedom struggle and recent politics ....... Filled with humor and sarcasm, the author tells both stories very successfully and also chips in with his subtle observations (especially about independence and after) ......
The vast array of characters in the epic, along with numerous sub-plots embedded into the main plot, make for an absorbing narrative..... Tharoor has brilliantly mapped these mythological characters and events to the freedom fighters, politicians, bureaucrats and the evolution of the modern state of India .........
Every chapter reveals an unexpected parallelism between past and present or a breathtakingly startling point of view ........ No Indian who has lived through the Emergency will again think of its chief protagonist without recalling the fictionalised scene of her portentous birth ..........
The end result after reading this book is an account that offers food for thought in a mildly palatable way !!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Our Unsung Hero ....................
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Mayan's Doomsday Prophecy ...... Friday, Dec 21, 2012

People are easily charmed and lead but I also think part of this 2012 appeal is the mystery......... We find it interesting that a culture was able to create a very accurate calendar that for some reason ends on a date most of us will live to see......
It's like Y2K, many were curious and talked about the date being 'end of times' but how many actually took steps to prepare for disaster ?? ........ There's a line between active discussion and active belief - people enjoy reading about these sorts of things, doesn't mean they deep down believe it to be true...........We enjoy our fiction, we enjoy a bit of danger - that's the bulk of it ..........
Then again I could be completely wrong. After all I’m only human ............
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
She Nailed It ................. Cannes '09 !!!

Love the way she is carrying it off ............ Clothes do make a difference, no matter how beautiful a person is ....... I am so happy that Aishwarya found her groove a l’Armani prive .........
Now I also would love to see her in the dress Penelope wore for the Oscars !!! Gosh, let women in there 30’s look like women in their 30’s ........
You nailed it my dear ........ A real fresh look .........
Monday, May 11, 2009
Angels & Demons - May 15th !!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Whom Do You Trust ???

Is this an inescapable concept ?? To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved ??
Or do we love all and trust few ........
What's your take ???
Think thrice before you even react to this dubiety ........................ À bientôt !!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
My Pillars Of Strength ............
My life has taught me that we have been sent on this earth with a set of soul mates ....... They give you a reflection of yourself time and again...... In them you truly find the solace that you seek ..........
I see my reflection in you and yours in me ............. I know when I'm searching for answers where to look for them ............. And when I'm lost where to find myself .............
I never knew that one decision could give me so much against a lot more ........ It was a choice between two destinies - My coming to Kurukshetra ... And you were one of the positive phenomena of my life there .......
It’s great to have met you, to know you, to be with you - In all times ...... May this never end Soup !!! Love You .......... Adiós Amigo ......... :)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Wish I Was There To Vote ............

If so did you lend the right finger ??
I give society and conformity the middle finger .......... Kudos Bachchans !!!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My Name Is " Swine Flu " ............

Did the pig ask to be eaten ? Did the pig have anything to do with the world economic reforms ?? We sometimes think whatever is shown in the movies can really get true. No wonder it can be assumed true .............
We have seen in the past of creating a virus and then do business by selling the vaccine is actually happening in case of Swine Flu .................
The only thing we need to know now is how much they take in making the vaccine commercially available though the vaccine has already been developed & tested ............. Time to put our masks !!! Wish we could have covered the truth with this mask .........
Edition :
Image compilation - CNN News (AP Photo)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
And The Award Goes To ................

GOLD : Muthu Kumar
A few captions that popped in my mind.
"Let's get it started" - there should be back ground song of the black eyed peas of the same name.
Or how about
"Hit me baby, one more time" - with Britney's song on the background.
or may be..
Britney's other song, "I am a slave 4 you" suit more... with it's sassy music
And finally my last one....
A quote -
Spare the rod and spoil the child ..... :) hihihi:)
SILVER : Twisted Elegance
President:"Don't call me Osama! Ill smash you now! Its Obama!"
Lara: Osama Osama Osama! nainanana!
BRONZE : ( 2 Winners)
Raj Prasad Hegde - How about "The World Is His Playground!"............
Suranjani HR - New Player, New Innings - Will it be any Different???
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Caption Writing Contest ........... Play It !!!

So on this occasion , I want you all poised ...... ready to rain upon some hilarity......You can make it Sad.... Humours ... Witty..... Game is on the roll ....
Winner will be declared over the weekend...... Get Started !!!
Edition :
Image compilation - CNN News (AP Photo)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
" PS : I Love You " .........................

Bulgarian - Obicham te
Chinese - Wo ie ni
Danish - Jeg elsker dig
Estonian - Mina armastan sind
French - Je t'aime
German - Ich liebe Dich
Hungarian - Szeretlek te'ged
Irish - Taim i' ngra leat
Japanese - Kimi o ai shiteru
Kannada - Naanu Ninanu Pritisutene
Latin - Te amo
Macedonian - Te sakam
Norwegian - Jeg elsker deg
Oriya - Mu tumaku bhala paye
Polish - Ja Cie Kocham
Russian - Ya lyublyu tebya
Swedish - Jag a"lskar dig
Turkish - Seni seviyorum
Urdu - Main tum say pyar karta hoon
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em
Welsh - 'Rwy'n dy garu di
Xhosa - Ndiyakuthanda
Yoruba - Mo ni ife re
Zuni - Tom ho' ichema
Friday, April 17, 2009
Go RCB Go !!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Madame Gifts Master ……..

All it requires to get out is a thin edge or a mistimed shot, and with a very high chance of getting out, in making so many tons, he has shown real ingenuity ..........
Madame Tussuad's 36th b’day (April 24) gift to our ...... Living Legend !!!
Sir we adore you ............
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Who Created God ???

This post meridian a friend of mine (Suranjani) asked me this question as to - Who created God ? ..... I hardly took few minutes to recur ........... I said ........
" God was not created , He was discovered "
I had no two minds in answering this dubiety ..... We can't find unknown from known ..........
Let me know your defence on this avowal !!! .... OMG....... my head spins while writing this post ........ Need some sleep !!! Me hits bed .......... Love you God !
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
CHEATambaram......... !!!

It's a courageous act by a Sikh brother towards a politician, but I am not sure if it was a good act by a journalist towards Chidambaram........
But I would have had a better list for Sardarji to show his spree ........ Good going !!
Shoe's are turning out to be the latest trend against rotten tomatoes .... eggs ..... Its an accepted theory " If the shoe does not fit , we can't change the foot ....... But we can throw the shoe " ....... So all the spring chicken buckle your shoes .........
Long Live India ........ Jai Hooooooooo !!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Akki Deserves Padmashree ???
Thursday, April 2, 2009
" We Didn't Start The Fire " .....................
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Varun Gandhi ....... Urban Bakra ???

Congress ? Very Very confused................
They are trying to put lid on the pressure cooker called Varun, but more they try to suppress Varun, more popular he becomes and Hindu-Muslim vote gets even more polarised................
Congress may be thinking that polarisation may not happen and just like post 26/11, there will be no more Hindu-Muslim voting pattern................
They may be mistaken, as this is a national election...........
BJP ? BJP is just watching...............
Ideologically BJP is wholeheartedly behind Varun and they are thinking that this whole Congress led anti Varun campaign will backfire and BJP will actually benefit...........
They may get benefit, but they may also be wrong in thinking so, Hindu voters are pathetic when it comes to vote for Hinduism, remember post 26/11 assembly elections..........
Third Front / Others ?
They are just watching the show and waiting for opportunity to corner some Muslim votes.....
Lastly ..... Am I hearing the right thing ? Terrorists are moving freely and NSA for Varun ? Let me get back to my mood of merrymaking on completion of my 50th post ....... No time to break my mind !!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Happy Ugadi & Gudi Padwa ...............

Ugadi is New Year festival for people of Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh .........
('Yuga' is the word for 'epoch' or 'era', and 'Aadi' stands for 'the beginning')
Kannada and Telugu people celebrate this festival with great fanfare .........
The festive potion shared is called “Bevu-Bella” in Kannada & “Ugadi Pachhadi” in Telugu !!!
('Yuga' is the word for 'epoch' or 'era', and 'Aadi' stands for 'the beginning')
Kannada and Telugu people celebrate this festival with great fanfare .........
The festive potion shared is called “Bevu-Bella” in Kannada & “Ugadi Pachhadi” in Telugu !!!
This potion has 6 main ingredients which symbolizes sadness, happiness, anger, fear, disgust, surprise .........
The same is called "Gudi Padwa" in Maharashtra celebrated & observed along with Ugadi ......... Have a good one this Friday !!!
The same is called "Gudi Padwa" in Maharashtra celebrated & observed along with Ugadi ......... Have a good one this Friday !!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Abstract Love !!!

Am I am feeling lonely that it would add beauty into my life ? Move on ...... Its just a start ..... Live life like no one ever thought you to live .... But this walk is too long .... Ghosh !!! .... Wish I can turn back ..... Ahhhhhhh........
No .... I am almost midway !!! Well let me walk to see my person of my dream standing all alone waiting for me ......... I see those burnt flowers .... smell baked air .... the path is obdurate .... Please take me there soon .... I give up .... No ..... I need to see her outstretched ..... Tears roll in my eyes ....Will she be mine ??
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Road 2 Miss India 2009 ...............

Pick your Top 3 in random order .........
My bet is on ...... Faith .......Harshita ...... Ekta !!!
PS : ( Click on the picture to have a better view )
Sunday, March 15, 2009
2009 Elections - Confused ???
Reason is the plethora of political parties, mostly state or region based with no clear cut aim or agenda..........
There are umpteen Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikh or Buddhists who are as patriotic or nationalist as any other Indian.........
India, inspite of all its flaws, is still a multi religious & multicultural democracy as compared to our neighbours who are on the brink of anarchy & chaos ..........
Its high time we have a better system , people need to get a bigger say in the governing affairs .......It is time we put a stop to election tamashas and take matters into hand to survive in this hostile world ..........
Vote "Dimaag Se" not "Dil Se" .........
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Bring Back Lost Respect ............

Its high time we bring back the lost respect to our elders ......The Gita says respect your parents and your days will be long........ It is time we go back to the foundation of our existence , I am sure each step towards it would make a difference ..........
Remember parents gave us life but later they even give their life for us ..........
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Do Me A Favour Let's Play Holi ................

One needs colour in life to live , its a vital ingredient or element which forms a rainbow in the garden of Eden ........... Wish I was back home to be a part of this conviviality !!!
May Lord spray colours of success and prosperity over you and your family....... Happy Holi .......... Go paint your life ........... Miss you all .........
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Do You Eat Soup or Drink Soup ???

Hmmmmm ........ Then finally after having a bowl of soup ...... I did realise that only pure people in heart can make a good soup ............... Maybe its one of those spring soup which sings ..........
But worries go down with soup ............ But the question in my mind is still left unanswered ........ I need another bowl to think twice .......... hasta mañana !!
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